Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Snowmaggedon" and Baby Warren

Our first doctor's visit with Dr. Bailey was on January 19th.  Only the yolk/gestational sac and the start of the embryonic tail were visible.  Which in lamen's terms means...nothing!  I called it the black hole.  You can't tell much from those sonogram pictures, but it was pointless that we went in that early, other to get some questions answered by the doctor.  

My hcg hormone levels were measured through blood tests and were doubling, so that was great, but my progesterone was low.  The nurse kept calling my pregnancy hormone "beautiful", so that was nice!  Dr. Bailey suggested that I take the progesterone hormone suppositories and boy, are they a joy :) 

The second appointment was then scheduled for Feb. 2.  Well, the biggest snowstorm of the year would take place on that Tuesday evening and shut everyone down for two days!   Our family in Tulsa got almost 2 feet of snow! So, they rescheduled us for Feb. 4th, Friday.  Guess what?  SNOW AGAIN!    It was white everywhere and the roads were not able to be driven on by anyone.  It was a fun snow day with Daddy, me, Tuff, and Lolz.  They rescheduled my appointment to Wednesday, February 9th.   You guessed it - sleet, snow, and the wintery mix of  Texas panic on the roads.   Mommy and Daddy had ANOTHER free day at home to play in the snow and laugh and just relax.   See the attached video in which Tuffy and Lola were not too fond of the snow!   I labeled the video:  SNOW DOGS

Either this baby is very camera shy or is going to love Snow! 

Therefore, our NEW and IMPROVED (and almost 9 week) appointment date is tomorrow, Feb. 11th at 2:30 p.m. 

Stay tuned...

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