Friday, March 4, 2011

It's a girl - 95 % sure

Will and I went to Children's Hospital on Wednesday for our First Trimester Screening test in order to do early detection of Downs Syndrome and any chromosomal abnormalities.   From the naked eye the liquid level around the spine and neck were, in their words, "beautiful" and "great", so that was such a great feeling.   My blood test will come in next week sometime and we will know more from that based on age and other family history type items.   They had a fancy schmancy ultrasound machine that is able to detect gender this early on - or should I say a 95% accuracy rate.   They predicted:  GIRL  ------   pink   ------- bows.
She was moving all around and waving at us and quite jumpy.  She even had the hiccups we think.

Dr. Zaretsky did tell us not to go out and paint rooms or buy a ton of things yet, though! 
I am going to be a great Mom and Will is going to be an awesome Dad!  This baby will be Daddy's girl and Mommy's buddy!  Will told his best friend Morgan, that she will have him wrapped around her finger just like her mama.  Is that not the sweetest?
We are working on some names but that will change 6,000 times so we may not tell anyone until she is born.
We are so happy!

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